• Welcome to Premium Communication

    As strategic consultants for our clients, our goal is to use our cross-field expertise in helping them build and maintain their corporate reputation via meaningful communication with all their target audiences.


  • Our team

    Our team members have solid academic and professional training in the public communication field, holding degrees in public relations and journalism. Our professional backgrounds include jobs in advertising and communication research - working mainly for multinational clients - as well as jobs in specialized journalism.

    Our team members have solid academic and professional training in the public communication field, holding degrees in public relations and journalism. Our professional backgrounds include jobs in advertising and communication research - working mainly for multinational clients - as well as jobs in specialized journalism.

    Our team members have solid academic and professional training in the public communication field, holding degrees in public relations and journalism. Our professional backgrounds include jobs in advertising and communication research - working mainly for multinational clients - as well as jobs in specialized journalism.

    More About Us

  • The art of communication

    You can safely rely on our advice whether it's media relations, business communication, reputation management, marketing communication, internal communication or crisis management you need. In over ten years of working in the field of communication, we've accumulated first hand experience in all these areas and you'll be able to see how handy this comes.

    You can safely rely on our advice whether it's media relations, business communication, reputation management, marketing communication, internal communication or crisis management you need. In over ten years of working in the field of communication, we've accumulated first hand experience in all these areas and you'll be able to see how handy this comes.

    You can safely rely on our advice whether it's media relations, business communication, reputation management, marketing communication, internal communication or crisis management you need. In over ten years of working in the field of communication, we've accumulated first hand experience in all these areas and you'll be able to see how handy this comes.

    Our Services

  • What we do

    We never tried to position ourselves as a full service agency, as we don't believe you can be equally good at everything. But we are strong and experienced consultants, who can draft and execute effective communication strategies on your behalf.


    See our Tools

Corporate & Financial Communication

We specialize in financial communication, servicing local and international listed companies with a dedicated department with senior consultants certified by the British Investor Relations Society. For more information and case studies, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Marketing & Digital Communication

Marketing communication has grown to be a complex communication specialization. With expertise in both offline and online marketing communication programs and background in marketing, advertising and research, our team can assist any company with its communication efforts. For more information and case studies contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Home

The art of communication

Simply owning a violin does not necessarily turn somebody into a new Menuhin. The same thing happens with communication - owning tools, or even knowing how to use them properly doesn't turn a technician into a master. In order to achieve great results, it takes more than professional skills and tools - you need talent, passion, hard work and dedication.

We love our trade the way a violin master loves to play his precious instrument. This is why, everyday we come to the office wearing a smile. Whether it's about developing a strategy or evaluating the results of our work, we are always able to wear a smile when we meet you, because we do our job passionately and we do it well.

We've come to think of our trade - nurturing corporate reputation - as an art. Actually, it can sometimes be just as ineffable and sophisticated as playing the violin. And in our trade, we take pride in not playing the violin just like the rest of the orchestra - we play it like artists.


Public Relations Companies Club

Contact Us

Address: Str. General Atanasie Demostene nr. 45
050502 Bucharest
Tel: +40 21 411 01 52;
+40 21 411 01 62
Fax: +40 21 411 50 41

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