Who We Are

Who We Are - Premium PR

Premium Communication is a leading independent PR consultancy, with solid experience in developing and implementing long term, complex strategies both for multinationals and local clients. Our principles, ethics and processes are in line with the international practice, and match the high standards of no less than three global PR networks, with whom we work on international accounts.

But while we strive to keep abreast with all the latest developments and tools of the international world of PR, we are always keen to learn and understand the subtleties of our Romanian communication market. More often than not, in the world of PR, thinking globally does not do the trick. And acting locally cannot compensate for the birds eye view. This is why we are not providing mere interpreters or hi-fi loudspeakers to our clients. We consult with them and help them draft, deliver and follow through their messages in the most effective way.

Our Team

Our team members have solid academic and professional training in the public communication field, holding degrees in public relations and journalism. Our professional backgrounds include jobs in advertising and communication research - working mainly for multinational clients - as well as jobs in specialized journalism (IT, online and business reporting).

We believe in the individual professional value, although we do come together as a team whenever needed. We nurture personal excellence and help our colleagues become experienced consultants, each in his/her own right. If you want to know more about us and you master the Romanian language, please do visit our corporate blog and talk to us directly.

Our Story

Premium Communication was established back in 2001, as a public relations consultancy focusing on multinational companies. 100% Romanian, Premium Communication started as a team of consultants with solid professional and academic background in PR, journalism, advertising and marketing. 

A mature company by Romanian standards, with first hand expertise in privatizations, change management support, mergers and acquisitions support, complex crisis communication situations, Premium Communication is now a leading PR company in Romania, with a strong portfolio of retained clients.

Upholding the highest ethical standards and keeping close ties with US professional environment, Premium Communication was the first Romanian PR agency to become member of the Public Relations Society of America.

As of 2004, Premium is also one of the founding members of the Romanian Public Relations Companies Club, an industry organization promoting the professional values and codes of ethics for public relations in Romania.

Fostering a longstanding relationship with the world of PR academia, Premium Communication contributes to the professional training and formal education of future PR practitioners. Agency representatives teach specialized PR classes at the College of Journalism and Communications Sciences, University of Bucharest, both at graduate and undergraduate levels.


Public Relations Companies Club

Contact Us

Address: Str. General Atanasie Demostene nr. 45
050502 Bucharest
Tel: +40 21 411 01 52;
+40 21 411 01 62
Fax: +40 21 411 50 41

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