Our Expertise

Our current client portfolio and the professional background of our team members offer us an extensive expertise in many fields of activity. As PR consultants, you can't advise people by blindly reciting rules and applying tools, but rather by being sensitive to the specifics of their situation and tailoring the proper answer to their questions. That's why we start by learning the business of our prospects or clients and we consider this as an exceptionally important stage.

We work or have been effectively working for clients operating in the FMCG field, IT and communications, financial/banking, utilities and heavy industry. Allied Domecq Spirits & Wine, Ericsson, Finnforest, OTP Bank, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Whirlpool, UniCredit Tiriac Bank, Colgate-Palmolive are few of our historical clients. And since we've been able to learn a lot about many fields in just a few years, we believe we can learn even more and even faster about your specific field. Otherwise, you won't be hearing from us.

We keep our current client list updated - so you can have a clear picture of what we do now, not only of what we did back then. All clients are retained, as we believe in "relations", not "affairs"...

How we work

We believe in long time relationships based on trust and strong results. All the clients in our portfolio are retained clients, with whom we work on complex communication programs of 6 months or more. We discovered isolated communication events are counterproductive both for a client, and for us as an agency, hence we don't do press conferences or press releases.

We take pride in the minimal turnover rate in our office. Once people join us, stay with us, and this makes it easier for clients as well, as they will work with one main contact person, most likely for the entire duration of the contract.

We strive to make it easy for our clients and keep the approval and consultation time to a minimum. This is why, as per our request, most of them grant us unrestricted access to their top management. Our philosophy is, the more we know, the better we are able to advise.

As we work a proactively and independently a lot, we make sure we keep our clients posted, either via formal reports or daily informal conversations. Continuous feedback both from our clients and their target audiences allows us to constantly refine our tactics and quickly spot any need for change of strategy.

Our Approach

Our team members have solid academic and professional training in the public communication field, holding degrees in public relations and journalism. Our professional backgrounds include jobs in advertising and communication research - working mainly for multinational clients - as well as jobs in specialized journalism (IT, online and business reporting).

We believe in the individual professional value, although we do come together as a team whenever needed. We nurture personal excellence and help our colleagues become experienced consultants, each in his/her own right. If you want to know more about us and you master the Romanian language, please do visit our corporate blog and talk to us directly..


is our proprietary evaluation tool based on a set of complex quantitative and qualitative measurements, which enables us to accurately assess the impact of your communication, in relationship to your competitors.


is a media overview we update obsessively, so we can keep our clients (and ourselves) informed on all relevant details of an ever changing media scene such as the Romanian one.


is the introductory questionnaire that helps us put together the profile of a new client and prepare the basic information kit for the press.


Public Relations Companies Club

Contact Us

Address: Str. General Atanasie Demostene nr. 45
050502 Bucharest
Tel: +40 21 411 01 52;
+40 21 411 01 62
Fax: +40 21 411 50 41

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