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Thursday, 09 November 2006 13:12

It's the end of PR as we know it

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Am găsit pe net materialul acesta http://www.bulldogreporter.com/dailydog/issues/1_1/dailydog_barks_bites/index.html - un alt om de PR care şi-a zis, până la un punct că poate blogurile vor dispărea şi uf, la naiba, nu se întâmplă aşa! Reproduc primele paragrafe în speranţa că o să vă trezească interesul.

“The best line of Bulldog Reporter’s “Advanced PR Technology in Practice” Conference last week in NYC came from Sally Falkow, president of Expansion Plus, who said, “If you put your head in the sand, your back-end is exposed for the world to see!” Another great zinger came from Debbie Weil, author of The Corporate Blogging Book: “Fear is the elephant in this room today.

Both nailed me cold—and probably the other 75 or so attendees of this virtual Berlitz course in “new” media, as well. Like most of my right-brained peers, I’ve been hoping this strange world of RSS, SEO, vodcasts, podcasts, blogs and social media networks would just go away. Not a chance—as this event and its San Francisco booking, slated for tomorrow, made clear”

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Sorana Savu

15 noiembrie 2001 a fost ultima mea zi de munca. Veneam dupa patru ani de client service la Ogilvy & Mather si inca un an si jumatate de rodaj lucrând la Mmd Public Relations, pe post de PR Manager, cu Andrei Savu ca sef. In miez de noiembrie, am inceput cu Andrei sa ne gândim la un boutique de consultanta in comunicare pe care l-am numit Premium Communication. De atunci, venim in fiecare zi la birou nu ca sa muncim, ci ca sa facem exact ce ne place. Si, in cazul meu, exact ce am invatat la scoala – consultanta de relatii publice.

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